Internet of Things (IoT) Living Laboratory

What is the objective?
To innovate a holistic, cyber secure environment of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and networks in a realistic cost-effective manner.
What problem are we trying to solve?
IoT is proliferating – 75 billion connected devices by 2025. The problem is cyber security of the IoT enterprise is not viewed holistically, causing many attack surfaces to be exploited. We need to be more cognizant on what types of data are collected, transmitted, processed, and stored in a secured manner.
What outcome do we hope to achieve?
The development of a “Living Lab” with a diverse range of partners collaborating on IoT problems with dual-use applications. The “Living Lab” will provide the ability to conduct military/commercial studies within modular/plug-n-play environments.
What resources could the lab provide?
Existing infrastructure and a Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) environment providing a holistic approach to IoT security and performance. The environment will provide support to multiple stakeholders that will ebb and flow between each organization’s needs. Access to multiple separate use cases from stakeholders, which can be integrated into a collaborative approach.
The Living Lab at the Innovare Advancement Center would develop collaborative use case with ALL stakeholders, especially simplifying the spin-in of non-traditional partners.
What would success look like?
Create a diverse living lab, constantly able to evolve with new sensors, data transmission capabilities, and stakeholder needs. Build a large data repository that has the potential to be quite valuable to many organizations.
Long-term success: Best described as the “IoT Center of Excellence.” We will be the leaders in IoT, whether its research, development, testing, evaluating, or consulting, we are the Subject Matter Experts (SME) who will provide support for anything IoT. We will provide a highly capable, open environment of IoT technologies and capabilities. This will be the international hub of IoT.
Host demo/industry days/road shows, to increase the interest, collaboration and networking potential. Create opportunities for small businesses (SBs) to provide their tech to find a best fit. Provide a learning environment for students interested in IoT technologies through internships and classes/certification.
What types of solutions would we expect?
Paving the way for IoT:
• Solutions in sensor “hardening”
• Sensor efficiency based on SWAP (size, weight and power)
• Secure communications
• Computing performance (tactical edge and cloud)
• Efficient data analytics
• Robust artificial intelligence & machine learning (AI/ML) algorithms
• Transition from human “on the loop” to human“out of the loop” through use of AI/ML.
• Industrial control systems security
• Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) AI Edge computing
What's in it for industry?
The Griffiss Business & Technology Park in Rome, NY is a goldmine for this IoT Living Lab, with access to:
• Air Force Research Laboratory, Information Directorate (AFRL/RI)
o Four of its Core Technical Competencies (CTCs)are users of IoT
o Stockbridge testing site (remote IoT testing,with connection to IoT Living Lab)
o Base Security
o The Android Team Awareness Kit (ATAK) and associated modules (TAK.gov)
– ATAK-Civ (non-military/government)
– WinTAK (Windows OS)
– iTAK (Apple iOS)
• Innovare Advancement Center
o Research Interns, STEM/STEAM students
o An Indoor instrumented UAS experimentation facility (200’x200’x50’) connected to an outdoor, instrumented, netted UAS experimentation area (250’x150’x70’)
• Griffiss Institute
o A STEM Talent + Technology Accelerator
• Local businesses
o Wolfspeed (formerly known as Cree)
o Global Foundries
• Academia
o Syracuse University
o State University of NY (SUNY) Polytechnic Institute
o Utica University
o Mohawk Valley Community College (MVCC)
o Local Subject Matter Experts
• Griffiss Business & Technology Park
o Infrastructure (telephone poles, roads, buildings, streetlights)
• FAA approved Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) flight testing (payload capable)
o Data modeling at the edge processing
o Payload testing
• Local and Regional government support
o Oneida County
o City of Rome
o City of Syracuse
• Potential collaboration with Department of Homeland Security (Oriskany Airport)
o Assets
o Rail
o Cities
The IoT Living Lab will provide a holistic approach, not typically found in industry. A community of academic, government, and commercial interests working to enable integration and interoperability and devoted to collaboration, not competition. That is the differential.